Born: Died: Education: Social Security #: Career/Jobs: Military Service: Hobbies: |
Thomas Eaid & Grace Eugene Hill
04 February 1916 in Portland, OR July 1977 in Oakland, CA (liver cirrhosis) at 61 years old 8th grade – self-taught 532 05 4881 Tool & die maker as machinist Joined Air Force 1939 (Lawry Field, Denver CO) & drafted into Army in 1943 (Puget Sound WA) Automobiles, guns, fishing, camping, inventions, languages, classical music & opera |
Marriages: Children: Height, Hair & Eyes: Health Issues: Homes: Cars Owned: |
Victoria Lynn & Vera Lillian
Marjorie Eugenia Sturgis in Seattle, WA Pauline Diana (1940), Roberta Marie (1941), & Gloria Jeanne 5’ 11”, Black hair & dark blue eyes (He was "Black Irish", very fair skin, dark hair all over, blue eyes) Hard core alcoholism led to liver cirrhosis Denver CO, Seattle WA, Santa Monica/Crescentia/Tijunga CA DeSoto convertible, Humber Sedan, Cord, Graham Hollywood, Citroen, Messerschmidt |
Baby picture |
Spaulding & mother |
back of above photo |
Father & daughter Robreta 1942 Tijunga |
Eaid family portrait |
Back from ocean fishing trip (on right) |
In the Washington snow |
Mowing the lawn |
Hiking in the mountains |