The story about discovering this T34 is bizarre and involves several people from England, South
Africa, & America. The first time I'd seen it was in late-1999 advertised on Clive Richardson's web site. I tried to contact the seller but he was
unresponsive. I already had two T34s and was deep into the restoration of my 1962 Cabriolet so I did not pursue it. Five years later, I saw it listed for
sale in the March 2004 edition of the KGOC-GB's newsletter. The ad read "1964 T34 Coupe, 85K miles, originally from South Africa, imported to England in 1999,
full MOT, 12V, daily driver, lost storage space so must sell, 4000GBP (US$7300.)" I had Clive send me 3 photos he had of it that were taken in 1999 in South
Africa. The seller was again completely unresponsive to my repeated requests for photos & info. |