Tessa turned 3 in June 2010 and had a special Ariel "Under the Sea" party. Her friends & family came down for the fun & games. Her new backyard was finished just in time too! Big Sister Co designed & made her Ariel birthday cake. There were Ariel games like Pin the Tail on the Mermaid, Musical Circle, & a Whip Cream Eating Contest. Tessa won the mermaid & circle games while Co was the first to finish the whip cream contest. The kids enjoyed the spa & waterfall while the older kids enjoyed the darts & BBQ food.

Sis Co made the 3-level Ariel cake Happy Birthday to Tessa! Mmmmmmm, frosting! Eating Cake Pin the Tail on the Mermaid line-up Tessa gets so close! The Winner! Musical Circle game
Whip Cream Eating game Whip Cream Contestants Waterfall & Spa Waterfall Critters Tessa enjoying the spa Tessa enjoying the spa Tessa enjoying the spa
Tessa enjoying her Ariel water toy Her teacher Miss Adriana Uncle Andy gave her a mermaid costume Grandpa Al & Poppa Don Ms Adriana, Tessa, & Kathe Dillon & Athena
Dean, Lee, & Andy at the BBQ Co & Chris Co & Lee Co & Allison Co & Chris Grandma Bobbie & Co Lee & Andy
Allison & Co Tessa & Uncle Andy Yvonne & Dean Tessa loves Grandpa Al's Teddy Bear! Dart competition Dancing with the Stars Andy, Lee, Poppa Don, & Barney