(click twice on PLAY button)

Pumpkin Patch at Bates Nut Farm (28 months)

Swimming without floaties (3 years)

Diving for rings (3 years)

Singing ABC's solo (2 yrs)

Jeffrey reading Dinosaurs (2 yrs)

Three Stooges fun (26 months)

Walking with confidence (11.5 months)

Eating Con on the Cob (17 months)

Saying Names & Animals (22 months)

Dillon reading a book (10 months)

Torrey Pines Beach Babe (10 months)

Peek-A-Boo Belly Laugh (10 months)

Crawling across floor (7 months)

Crawling to Jeffrey (7 months)

Crawling to Mommy (almost 8 months)

Playing in Exersaucer (4.5 months)

Sitting-up with Allison (5.5 months)

Scooting on floor (6 months)

Sitting with Dad (12 weeks)

Laying down (12 weeks)

First Roll-Over! (4 months)

Playing with Mom (7 Weeks)

Sleeping on Mom (8 weeks)

Active Daytime (9 Weeks)

Five minutes old!

Foraging for food with Dad (9 days old)

Sleeping & Smiling (15 days old)